But using a shortcode you can also place a button next to it, customizing the style and colors, for example. I'll use a not-so-random example. Sign up for the webinar In the blocks we can also insert buttons , downloadable PDFs , audio files , customizable tables , videos and much more, in a truly intuitive way. I can guide you in this exploration and show you live how many things you can do with the Gutenberg block editor in the live masterclass on December th .
If you want a little preview, sign up for the free webinar on December nd . WordPress Gutenberg, the editor for producing better content WordPress Gutenberg, the editor for producing better content Mauricio Gelves explains the func Bosnia and Herzegovina WhatsApp Number tions and utilities of Gutenberg, the block editor that allows you to create better content on WordPress sites. € . Buy now (this one above, however, is a highlighted product block.) Opening photo by Bruno Martins on Unsplash .
The evolution of the Ikea website to understand Information Architecture Written by Luca Rosati Share We report an interesting case study told by Luca Rosati in an introductory webinar to Information Architecture. as an introduction to the live Information Architecture masterclass that Luca Rosati will hold on and December . Keep an eye on the newsletter with the appointments of the next webinars to be able to watch them live for free.