Ebruary , Would you like to receive more high-quality content like this and completely free of charge? Ste argumentative texts? What types of argumentative texts exist? What examples of argumentative texts exist? Conclusion What are the characteristics of argumentative texts? The general structure of an argumentative text consists of introduction , development and conclusion. Be careful that here the order must be respected! Each of these parts has a
different function within the textual composition. In the introduction we present the Iran WhatsApp Number Data issue that will be discussed throughout the text as well as the position that will be developed regarding the issue. The development is the argument and can be considered the heart of the text, which is why it normally has more than one paragraph. In general, each argument in defense of the issue must correspond to one paragraph. The conclusion is the final part of the text

. It is the moment where the central thesis will be resumed, now based on arguments developed during the text. Knowing the structure, it is easier to understand why an argumentative text needs to have certain characteristics. When an argumentative text is constructed from an objective dissertation, the author does not identify himself to the reader, thus presenting arguments in an impersonal manner. This gives the text a sense of impartiality, even when the author's opinion is being expressed. Without a doubt, it is the type of argumentative text that is most seen on the web, but there is still a subjective vision. In the