You can divide columns into 1 column, 2 columns, etc., or add more blocks within a column. and the background color, so you can create slightly more sophisticated layouts. STEP Ten Delete paragraph block The " Enter title... " displayed at the bottom is a paragraph block. This block is not needed here. Select it and click “ ⋮ ” and “ Delete Paragraph ”. STEP 11 Edit heading Click " Are you having this problem? " This is a heading block. When you place a heading or text inside a cover, the font color will be automatically converted to white depending on the cover settings. Therefore, please set the text to black from " Color " in "Style" on the right panel. heading Text color : black Beware of changes in WordPress specifications (Added: 2023/05) From WordPress 6.2, the display format of the right panel that is displayed when each block is selected has changed. All setting items are displayed on the right panel before modification .
The changed settings are divided into the "Settings" and "Style" tabs. Please list of phone numbers switch tabs. Before change (WordPress 6.1 and earlier) After change (WordPress 6.2 or later) This heading is also decorated with a highlighter marker. Let's remove this decoration. First, drag `` Are you having this problem? '' to select it. Next, click " Fluorescent Marker " from the down arrow, and a screen will appear to set the color of the fluorescent marker.clearDelete it with STEP 12 Remove responsive spacer The block below the heading is not needed here. Click “ Remove responsive spacer ” from “⋮” . STEP 13 Edit list Next, at the bottom of " Do you have any of these concerns? " , change the sentence that starts with " My predecessor served... ". Since it is in list format, there is a " check " icon at the beginning of the text. Edit the text as below.
I want to be able to freely create an office to suit the increase or decrease in personnel. Want to easily try out a high-performance office chair? I would like a professional to suggest furniture combinations etc. Decorate your edited text with highlighters. Drag all the text in the list format to select it, then click Highlighter from the down arrow. Then edit the colors as shown below. list Text color : black List icon color : black STEP 14 Click update Top right of the editing screenupdateClick to save. STEP 15 Group and edit headings and lists By grouping, you can set the background color and margin for " Do you have any problems? ".