The bot will help you set up a broadcast in Zen The bot will help you set up the broadcast in Zen Don’t forget to create a channel on Zen and provide a link to Telegram Don’t forget to create a channel on Zen and provide a link to Telegram Automatic posting to several platforms at once is an incredibly convenient thing. If you want to reach more than 2 social networks and be able to customize posts for each, register with SMMplanner. You will be able to publish to several accounts at once, customize the format for different social networks, and plan the release of posts for weeks and months in advance.
Try all the functionality for free - when you register using the link, you will get 2 weeks of access. Later, you can stay on a limited free plan or connect to a professional one. Promotion using stickers Create your own branded stickers in Telegram. You can make them yourself or Web Development Services entrust it to a designer. It is not necessary that the stickers be complex and highly artistic, the main thing is that they are understandable to the audience and meet the requirements of Telegram. How to gain subscribers on Telegram using stickers: include a link to the channel in the name of the sticker pack.
Motivate subscribers to use stickers in their chats; add a set of stickers to sticker pack catalogs. Create a set of stickers on your theme and share it with subscribers Create a set of stickers on your theme and share it with subscribers Services for increasing subscribers and views Telegram does not punish for increasing subscribers, unlike other social networks. But this method should be used with caution. New subscribers will not be targeted and active, the real statistics of the channel will be distorted, and sharp jumps in activity may scare off potential advertisers.