create topic channels — each participant can subscribe to theirrelevant topics and ignore the rest. Far superior to getting 50 ‘reply all’emails in an email chat conversation. Love using it with clients, and I use itwith my team that works behind the scenes in the Den, too — here’s a sneak-peekat us collaborating on a previous blog-post graphic: Name your best writingtools Obviously, there are a million writing tools, apps, and platforms out there that freelancers use. These are mine. My bigtip: Don’t spend hours Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List and hours mulling which tool to use. Pick one, and if itworks for you, use it! And get back to writing and marketing to find clients.You may notice I didn’t list a few of the most obvious writing-craft tools,such as the Hemingway app, . That’sbecause this post is about tools I personally use. (But I’m linking
them here, because I just knew you were gonna ask about ’em.) Ihad grammar and word usage drilled into me by an awesome high school Englishteacher, so I’ve never used these. All three have certainly been mentioned tome often, and I’ve only heard raves, so giving you links above just in case youneed. Final note: If I can learn to use tech solutions, so can you. I’m a verynon-technical person. I refuse to be defeated by