With this buying motive, you want to stand out and own something special, and you therefore want to own something that others don't have, which can give a sense of individuality. may not have been produced in large numbers - limited edition. If you as a company are about to launch a new product, which is limited edition, you can use the knowledge from your behavioral analysis of your customers to find out whether you should direct marketing to those with the snob buying motive.
Veblen If you buy based on the veblen motif, it means that WhatsApp Number List your customers are ready to pay a lot of money for a certain product. You choose to buy a product here because it is more expensive than the others. The motive may be to demonstrate financial superiority or exude a special kind of status and style. This is especially seen when purchasing designer brands that are considered particularly exclusive. If you are planning a marketing strategy with a high-class, high-quality product, customers with this purchase motive will be the obvious choice to base your marketing on.
Thrifty The thrifty motif refers to consumers who buy a product based on a good offer. It is a purchase where you get a lot for your money, and thereby you show your circle of friends that you are good at making a sensible purchase at a relatively low price. Those with the thrifty buying motive are usually also those who buy sustainable choices. When to use purchase motives Analyzing the behavior of your target group is an important aspect of marketing. It is an advantage as you can learn how your target group will act by putting them in these small boxes.