What does that say about the research Were there perhaps variables that were not considered But again why was this research even conducted MATTHEW G DESIGNER MDB In the first experiment the researchers assigned participants to one of two conditions. The with bags participants were asked to imagine approaching a supermarket to do their grocery shopping with their own bags. The without bags group received nearly identical instructions but nothing about bags was mentioned.
All the participants looked at a floor map of the grocery store and listed items they would most likely purchase on their hypothetical outing. Participants were asked to imagine having bags on a hypothetical Chinese Overseas America Number Data grocery shopping trip How far removed from reality did you want this study to be To do a proper experiment of this sort you need to have participants actually grocery shopping in their normal routine. They need to be choosing whether or not to bring a bag on their own. They need to look at actual grocery shelves with prices and make decisions in real time. They should ideally not even know they re being studied which you achieved in the first experiment using store data but failed to do in the follow ups.
ALANG MANAGER JCR Reminds me somewhat of the Peltzman Effect. the case with behavioral studies reported in this newsletter this is a very weak study that I would not recommend for publication if I were professionally reviewing it. In my opinion people who bring in shopping bags are likely to be different in the first place and that possibility has not been ruled out. It seems to me that it probably could be given cooperation from a grocery store with good computer records. I currently live in Boulder CO where the law requires a charge for grocery bags credit being given if the customer brings in bags.