It turns out that after taking the time to analyze, it is definitely possible! See how to create a persona for Facebook advertising that acquires contacts in a few steps: Choose a few clients with whom you found it easiest to work, placed the most orders, and earned money by working with them. Group them according to your preferences - for example by gender, age or behavioral profile. regarding the campaign - for example, do you want to address a different offer to women and men, to adults and teenagers, or maybe to B2B and B2C. Select recurring demographic characteristics – e.g. age range, location, and consider whether each group shares similar interests or behaviors. Focus on the needs expressed by customers and the goals they want to achieve.
For this purpose, search your e-mail box, fanpage, comments, etc. - all places Job Function Email Database where your recipients leave questions and doubts. Select all recurring features and create a persona for your ad. Try to make it reflect your intentions well, but at the same time not be too narrow. Ready! An example of a persona that can be created for advertising using Facebook's targeting options. Once you have created the right target group, set a budget ( it is worth testing daily budgets ) and a schedule, consider whether your potential customer is more likely to fill out a Facebook advertising form on a computer or on a phone.

You can also choose both options or additionally enable Instagram. In the case of advertising AdWords courses, recipients were more willing to fill out mobile forms, source: Facebook.com Step 3: Creating a Facebook ad A good advertising creation that helps attract customers through Facebook advertising follows several rules. Take a look at our pattern that resulted in 46% more people filling out Webmetro forms than before, and create your own ad based on it: To prepare an ad with video content, you can use the editor available on Facebook. To create your own slideshow video, use the "Slideshow" option. Slideshow allows you to create short videos using your own photos or using a ready-made graphics database on Facebook. You can add text and free music to your photos