Logos in the digital age Roberto Siconolfi
Hate online and the boomerang effect Retribalization of the world All the transformations in which we are immersed and to which they have contributed As in neural networks, computational models that simulate biological neural networks, and which are made up of nodes (neurons) interconnected with each other.Plato, Theaetetus , 206d ff. See Negroponte N., Being digital , trans. G. Filippazzi, Sperling & Kupfer, 1995. See Eco U., Apocalyptic and integrated: mass communications and theories of mass culture , Bompiani, 1964. The veryTurkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List functioning of the human mind For Martin Heidegger in The Question of Technique, technique has nothing technical, but is a manifestation of being.
“Technique, therefore, is not simply a means”, but rather “a way of revealing” the truth (1991, p. 9). In the sense of greatness of material forces that go beyond the natural or divine order. See the research of the esotericist Massimo Scaligero.Roberto Siconolfi, born in '83, from Campania, sociologist, essayist, medialogist. One of his main fields of research is the world of media, in all its aspects, from the technical to the historical and anthropological, up to the "subtle", "magical", "esoteric" level.